B.Tech Admission

1 Issue of Application Form(Online only) The next working day after KEAM results
2 Last date of submission of application form at the respective colleges(Online) 10 June 2023
3 Publication of details on the website 11 June 2023
4 Last date for notifying entry defects, if any 12 June 2023,11AM
5 Publication of Merit List in the College Website 12 June 2023,6.00PM
6 Selection and Admission Commences 14 June 2023
7 Admission closes 15 Sep 2023

* As per the guidelines of AICTE, KTU

  • 1.Printout of Application form uploaded in the website
  • 2. Fee Receipt and UTR No *
  • 3.SSLC/Equivalent certificate - Original with 3 Copies
  • 4.HSE/Equivalent certificate - Original with 3 Copies
  • 5.KEAM 2022 Data Sheet/Score Card - Original with 3 Copies
  • 6.TC & Conduct Certificate - Original

  • 7.Copy of Aadhaar Card
  • 8.Copy of KEAM Allotment Memo – For Govt Seat Only
  • 9.NRI Seat Only

  • a.NRI sponsored form
  • b.Copy of Valid Visa- 2 Copies
  • c.Copy of Valid Passport- 2 Copies
  • d.Copy of Valid NRI Bank A/C passbook / Bank Statement
  • 10.Passport Size Photo - 3 Copies

* After submitting documents at the admission desk, you will receive an Admission Number. With obtained Admission Number you can pay the first year fee through online mode.

Admissions Schedule - Notice

  • All applicants are requested to frequently visit the website .
  • The Admission process will be on merit basis and seats will be allotted based on the Open Merit rank.
  • Candidates should wait for the call from the admission cell of Vimal Jyothi at the stipulated time frame as per their rank and branch preference. Counseling may get delayed due to unprecedented incidents.
  • Candidates who are provisionally admitted after the counseling should confirm their seat by remitting the fees through the link provided in the respective candidate login or at campus using multiple payment modes and by submitting the required documents at the college office.
  • Non-payment of fee within the stipulated time frame will result in the forfeit of the confirmed seat.
  • The admission process will be completed only when the allotted candidates complete the fee payment with submission of the documents.

Vimal Jyothi Engineering College Chemperi - Kannur belongs the Kerala Catholic Engineering College Management’s Association (KCECMA) and tuition fees, admission policies etc are same for our 15 colleges. As per the agreement with government 50% of the B.Tech. seats in all the member colleges of KCECMA will be allotted by Commissioner" for Entrance Examinations (CEE).

50% of the seats will be allotted by the management. Among this allotment, 15% seats are reserved for the NRI category and the rest will be allotted on merit ranking as per the reservation published in the prospectus.

The admission to B.Tech (4 year Full Time) programme at Vimal Jyothi Engineering College Chemperi (VJEC) is offered under Kerala Technological University ( KTU) - Trivandrum and approved by AICTE.

No. Branch Duration (Year) Intake (Seats)
1 Computer Science & Engineering-(CS) 4 240
2 Computer Science and Design-(CG) 4 30
3 Artificial Intelligence & Data Science(AD) 4 120
4 Computer Science and Engineering(Cyber Security)-(CY) 4 60
5 Computer Science and Engineering and Business Systems-(BE) 4 60
6 Mechanical Engineering-(ME) 4 30
7 Electronics & Communication Engineering-(EC) 4 60
8 Electrical & Electronics Engineering-(EE) 4 60
9 Civil Engineering-(CE) 4 30
10 Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering-(AE) 4 30

Eligibility criteria for B Tech Admission

  • Nationality: Candidates must be citizens of India / Persons of Indian origin (PIO) / Overseas citizen of India (OCI). PIO /OCI candidates are not eligible for any kind of reservation.
  • Academic Requirements: Candidates who have passed Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala, or Examinations recognized as equivalent there to, with Physics and Mathematics as Compulsory subjects and Chemistry as one of the optional subject with at least 45% marks put together are eligible for admission.
  • Entrance Examination: Candidates should qualify in the Kerala Engineering Entrance Examination 2023 (KEAM 2023) conducted by the Commissioner of Entrance Exams, Govt. of Kerala are eligible (Candidates should have scored minimum of 10 marks each in Paper I and Paper II) Government allotment as well as management seats. Candidates who have not qualified in KEAM 2023 are eligible for admission in NRI seat only.
  • NRI allotment: Score in the entrance is not required for NRI allotment. However they have to fulfil the academic eligibility as per norms.
  • Age: Applicants should have completed 17 years of age on 31st December 2022. No relaxation of age will be allowed

The admission procedure at VJEC is as per the government regulations and the policies of the KCECMA association declared in the prospectus.

  • Government allotment: 50% of the total seats in each branch will be filled by the government allotment.
  • Community seats in Govt allotment: 10% of the seats in each branch are allotted on community basis by the government. Applicants have to submit the relevant docs to prove their community as per the direction.
  • NRI Seats: 15% of the seats are allotted to the NRI category as per norms
  • Management allotment: 35% of the seats are allotted under management category on pure merit from the rank list published by the Vimal Jyothi College.

The institution provides transport facility to almost all main towns of the district.
Click here to know the bus routes

  • Management allots 50% of total seats under Management Allotment category.
  • 9 seats are reserved for NRI and the remaining 21 seats in each branch of 60 are allotted on merit basis.
  • The management merit rank list will be prepared by adding the marks of Plus- Two PCM(Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics)and the score obtained in KEAM with equal weightage.
  • The merit rank list will be published as per the schedule from the applications received till the date announced
  • We have no donation for the management seats and have no agents for admission

  • Community quota in Management seats are allotted under pure merit basis.
  • Community quota has no separate application, but applicants have to submit the recommendation letter from your respective parish priest in the form given in ‘Downloads’ tab in this page, to avail this allotment.
  • Duly filled recommendation letter should reach the college along with the hard copy of the application.

NRI Quota

  • Vimal Jyothi Engineering College reserves 15% of seats under NRI Category under the management allotment as per govt. directions
  • The NRI applicants should qualify the eligibility norms given under the General info –eligibility session
  • For NRI admission the Entrance score is not needed.
  • Contact directly to office or 9846423448 or 9400062919 or 8281750777 for more details.

College Code – VML

*As per the agreement 50% seats are allotted by CEE.

*40% seats are allotted by the CEE on general reservation criteria and 10% is from Malabar Catholic Community.

*No interest free Refundable Caution Deposit (RCD). One Lakh deposit will be waived as scholarship by the management.

*Scholarships and even stipend up to 60000/-per year is available for excellent performers (See the scholarship details at

Detailed notification will be issued on time to time in CEE website

VML is the college code for Vimal Jyothi Engineering College, at the time of option registration for government allotment